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My Starsign


Zodiac Symbol Twins
Duration (Tropical, Western) 21 May – 21 June

Constellation Gemini
Zodiac Element Air
Zodiac Quality Mutable
Personal Qualities

Positive Traits: adaptable, versatile, intellectual, communicative, spontaneous, eloquent, youthful, lively, talkative, amusing, witty and logical.

Negative Traits: changeable, restless, inquisitive, inconsistent, cunning, nervous, gossiper.

Likes: talking, novelty, variety, anything unusual and working on multiple projects at the same time.

Dislikes: being alone, being in a rut, mental inaction, conventional learning and feeling tied down.

Gemini's Ruling Planet

  • Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is named for the winged Messenger God of Roman myth and is representative of adaptability...making the most of what is available and fitting into different surroundings.
  • Mercury individuals tend to conform with the ideals and morals which are most fashionable at any given time. They never remain still for very long.
  • The Mercury character has a young, childish quality.

Qualities of the 12 Starsigns

  • Aquarius 'The Water Bearer' is the second last sign of the zodiac.
  • An Aquarian lives in the real world, but will talk about the future.
  • Very kind and peace loving, but likes going against the conventions every now and then.
  • Usually, very soft spoken, but can surprise you by passing very offhanded remarks and statements.


  • Very friendly nature.
  • People having an Aries profile cannot tolerate injustice, always fight against it and will defend the weak.
  • Aries, The Ram, is the first sign of the zodiac, considered to be the infant representing birth.


  • Cancer zodiac sign has the symbol of 'The Crab'.
  • One of the basic characteristics of a Cancerian is that they are very prone to mood swings, which are matched by changing emotions.


  • The zodiac sign of Capricorn is represented by the symbol of 'The Goat', more precisely a Sea-Goat.
  • Capricorns are not the ones who seek limelight; rather they make up the audience that admires.
  • A Capricorn finds it extremely easy to merge into a group and will look like one of its original members.


  • The sign of Gemini, having the symbol of 'The Twins', is considered to be the child of the zodiac.
  • Just as the symbol, a Gemini person will always have two different sides to their changeable personality. They change their mind quickly, along with their clothes, job, love life or even their residence.


  • The zodiac sign of Leo has the symbol of 'The Lion' and just like a lion; a Leo believes that they rule everyone else.
  • Leos can go from being vigorously outgoing to plain lazy.


  • Libra, The Balance, is the seventh sign of the zodiac.
  • Very polite.
  • Loves people and hates to be rude to anyone. However, crowds do not attract them.
  • A Libran is extremely good at solving a quarrel between two people.


  • Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, which has the symbol of 'The Fish'.
  • Pisces people are not much interested in the material things of life and are not the ones to run after money. It's not that they are against riches, but they are more aware of its impermanence.
  • They are not greedy about anything, least of all wealth.
  • A Piscean has an easy carelessness about tomorrow.


  • Sagittarius has the symbol of 'The Archer'.
  • The people born under this zodiac sign just don't know how to give compliments.
  • A Sagittarian tries their best to be cheerful and friendly, but fails miserably.


  • Scorpio, with the symbol of 'The Scorpion', is one of the three water signs of the zodiac.
  • One of the first things that you notice about Scorpios are their eyes; they will be very intense and totally hypnotic.


  • Taurus zodiac sign is represented by the symbol of 'The Bull' and like a bull, a Taurus person is strong and silent.
  • In the first instance, a Taurean comes across as extremely quiet and reserved person.
  • Only after you get close to them will you have a proper conversation, rather than simple monologues.
  • Once a Taurus has made up their mind, it is impossible to change it.


  • Virgo has the symbol of 'The Virgin', but the similarity ends there itself.
  • People born under the zodiac sign of Virgo are very devoted to their families.
  • They are not much talkative and mostly stand away from a crowd.
  • They notic the smallest details.
  • The typical Virgo personality traits include perfectionism.

The Starsigns

Zodiac Signs

  • The 12 signs of the Zodiac can be divided into both masculine and feminine, positive and negative, or, active and passive.
  • The masculine signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, whereas the feminine signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.
  • The 12 signs of the Zodiac are divided into three categories of four signs each. They are called the Cardinal signs, the Fixed signs and the Mutable signs.

The Cardinal signs
  • The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn which are the signs of dynamic change, movement and great vitality.

The Fixed signs

  • The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and relate to stability, earthiness and fixity. The determination of the Fixed signs expresses itself in the form of great willpower.

The Mutable signs

  • The Mutable signs cover Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces which are the adaptable and interchangeable signs capable of moulding and modifying circumstances and conditions in life.

Elements of Starsigns

The Element of Air

The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The element of air concerned with the intellect ; it is adaptable. Air is good at rationalizing things and dealing with ideas, but air can have difficulties with emotions.

The Element Earth
The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The earth signs are stable and practical, and they are sometimes thought of as stubborn. They are concerned with the mundane details of the world, and what really exists. They can have trouble with non-tangible ideas, however.

The Element Fire
The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The element of fire represents action, spirit, and vitality. Fire signs warm whatever they are around with their large spirit, but they can sometimes lack sensitivity to others.

The Element Water
The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water concerns emotions and sensitivity. Water signs are good at being in their emotions but they can sometimes have difficulty dealing with the mundane world or expressing their feelings in words.

Different Uses of Astrology

  • Astrology has many different branches involved in it.
  • Medical astrology combines the use of the natal chart with healing remedies, both ancient and modern.

  • Horary astrology is concerned with finding the answer to a specific question, and the chart used will be the one set up for the time that the question is asked.

  • Financial astrology traces the current movement of the planets alongside fluctuations in the stock market, and seeks to predict changes in the market.

  • Traditionally, astrology was used in ancient times by Kings to help them rule and to guide them in their decision-making.

  • Astrologers made predictions, based on the movements of the planets and their interpretation of what this might mean.

The History of Astrology

  • Astrology has played a major role in society since the beginning of civilisation, and maybe even before that.
  • Its influence can be seen in almost every part of the world.
  • Common belief is that its origins lie with the Greeks. However, the foundations for astrology were laid much earlier than this was to do with the Egyptians.
  • Astronomers not only observed and recorded the patterns of the stars and planets but also looked for the relationship between these movements and the events in their life in earth.
  • The history of astrology and astronomy grew alongside and were considered to be twin sciences. Astrology being the more philosophical, and astronomy more scientific.
  • The Sumerians, who settled in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC, were the first example of a people who worshipped the sun, moon, and Venus.
  • They considered these heavenly bodies, gods, or the homes of gods. The moon god’s name was Nanna, the sun god was called Utu, and the god of Venus was named Inanna.