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My Starsign


Zodiac Symbol Twins
Duration (Tropical, Western) 21 May – 21 June

Constellation Gemini
Zodiac Element Air
Zodiac Quality Mutable
Personal Qualities

Positive Traits: adaptable, versatile, intellectual, communicative, spontaneous, eloquent, youthful, lively, talkative, amusing, witty and logical.

Negative Traits: changeable, restless, inquisitive, inconsistent, cunning, nervous, gossiper.

Likes: talking, novelty, variety, anything unusual and working on multiple projects at the same time.

Dislikes: being alone, being in a rut, mental inaction, conventional learning and feeling tied down.

Gemini's Ruling Planet

  • Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is named for the winged Messenger God of Roman myth and is representative of adaptability...making the most of what is available and fitting into different surroundings.
  • Mercury individuals tend to conform with the ideals and morals which are most fashionable at any given time. They never remain still for very long.
  • The Mercury character has a young, childish quality.